New camera:
Today I received my Canon S90 from Adorama. Came with free stuff, including spare NB-6L battery (Power2000 1200 mAh), Lexar 4GB Platinum II 60x SDHC card, Lowepro D-Pods 40 pouch, and Adorama cleaning kit. Free is awesome.

Tv splurging:
Ah man. Fry's had the LG 42LGX on sale for like $1,299. I tried to resist. Honest.
02/28/2009 edit:
Fry's had the tv for $100 less, so price matched it to get back $100 plus tax.
02/28/2009 edit:
Fry's had the tv for $100 less, so price matched it to get back $100 plus tax.

New crap:
Uh oh, back from another trip and couldn't pass up the IKEA. Snagged a table top, 4 legs, a chair, armrests from this chair, and a drawer unit. The bed frame from before is still going strong.

New speakers:
My old speakers keep cutting out. I ordered a set of Swans M10 and they have arrived today. Time to burn them in and please my ears.

New monitor:
I stopped by Fry's on my way home from work and picked up an NEC 20WMGX2 monitor. This is lightyears ahead of my previous monitor in every single way. On the other hand, my wallet hates me.

New bed:
On my way back from a business trip, I stopped at an IKEA and picked up this Ramberg bed frame. I had been sleeping on my mattress on the floor for a few years straight up to this point. It looks really nice in the room, and even serves as a footrest while I turn around and watch tv from my desk. IKEA should set up a location in Las Vegas. Those Swedish meatballs are to die for.

All moved in:
Well, I moved to Las Vegas and got my room pretty much all set up. Just need to install some broadband and I guess that would be it. I have to get used to this place, of course; I don't know where anything is. =P

Outta date:
Haven't touched this page in forever. Nothing's up-to-date on here. Lol. Does this mean I'm going to update it regularly? Nope. =P Just thought I'd post something. It's what happens when you have nothing to do on your birthday.

Site overhaul:
Changed the look of the site somewhat. For now, just the news page has changed. I will be updating the other pages later when I have time. Currently, I'm writing the guestbook from scratch. Sent in registration money yesterday for Cal Poly. Broke now. =)